“Can you come see if you can fix this mess?”
We get calls like this every once in a while. Sometimes we’ve been able to rescue a client from disaster. But one kitchen disaster stands out! The video below shows some of the mess.
Your garage shouldn’t be a contractor’s spray paint booth!
The same goes for your living room, your dining room, your basement, and your kitchen.
Some contractors are so smooth talking that they might convince you to use part of your house to spray paint on your kitchen cabinet doors and drawers. There are a few here in Kansas City that take over big parts of your house or your whole garage to refinish your kitchen cabinets.
This can go wrong quickly! You might be finding stray paint in your house months or even years later.
Faster and cheaper may not be better.

I’m amazed at how many painters never use primer. They assure you it’s not needed. They tell you, “The paint is made to stick!”
Your kitchen will probably look new and fresh when they finish. But you’ll notice the lack of primer a few months later. Oh, most of the paint will still stick to your kitchen cabinets. But the doors and drawers you handle the most will have paint missing in places.
Our process is different.
First, we take time to do the job right. We clean your kitchen cabinets, doors and drawers before we do anything else.
We take the doors and drawers to our studio so we can spray our primer and paint without making a mess in your kitchen. We lightly sand and thoroughly inspect the doors and drawers for places the lacquer finish has broken down. We look for loose joints and use glue and clamps to make the doors solid again.
The doors and drawers get a second cleaning before we prime and paint.
Second, we don’t kick you out of your kitchen. You can use your kitchen, except for when we’re right there working on your kitchen cabinets.
We use the best quality products so your kitchen will still look good years from now.
Third, we help you choose a color that works for your kitchen. Brenda is a certified True Color Expert.

We’ve seen some Kansas City kitchen refinish disasters come from a painter picking out a random “off white” that made the rest of the kitchen look dingy.

We can help you love your kitchen again.
Give us a call. We’ll be glad to help you make your kitchen feel new and fresh again.
Call: 913-441-5508